Things that happened this month:
3/5/10 Stayed with Mimi while Mommy went shopping with Aunt Mischelle
3/6/10 Went to Greenwood to see Abi cheer and to hang out with the cousins
Took a bath in a real bathtub and loved it
3/7/10 Ate avocado and LOVED it!
3/10/10 Ate asparagus and LOVED it!
3/12/10 Went to Mimi and Papa's while Mommy and Daddy went on a date
3/13/10 Ate dinner at Mr. Harwell's house (Daddy's boss)
3/14/10 Rolled onto back while taking morning nap
3/15/10 Ate squash and LOVED it!
3/17/10 Ate carrots and LOVED it!
3/18/10 Went on a walk with Nanny and Papa
3/20/10 Stayed with Daddy ALL DAY (7:45 a.m. - 8:45 p.m.) while Mommy shopped in Branson with her friends
3/21/10 10 inches of snow!
Ate applesauce and oatmeal and LOVED it!
3/22/10 Went to doctor and had ear infection (weighed 14 lbs. 10 oz.)
3/22-26/10 Mommy stayed home everyday because of Spring Break
3/23/10 Daddy's 26th Birthday
Mommy got 11 inches of hair cut off
Got pictures taken at Bedford's
Ate bananas and LOVED it!
3/24/10 Ate lunch at Daddy's office
3/25/10 Ate lunch at Daddy's office
Ate peaches and LOVED it!
3/26/10 Ate pears and LOVED it!
3/26-28/10 Grandma and Grandpa came to visit
3/27/20 First time to go to garage sales!
Ate prunes and LOVED it!
3/28/10 First out loud laugh
Held bottle for the first time
4/1/10 April Fool's Day
4/2/10 Aunt Jenn and Uncle Josh came over for dinner
4/3/10 Abi and Camryn's birthday party
Dyed Easter eggs and Aunt Judi's house
I cannot believe you are already 5 months old. You are just the best baby in the whole world. You smile at everyone that pays you attention - definitely a little ham! You are also very independent and love to be by yourself in the floor and roll around. You have just recently found your feet and love to pull your sockies off. You love to play in your exersaucer and watch t.v. Most of all, though, you love to play with Mommy and Daddy! We love that part of you :o)
We love you more than anything, baby girl!
Mommy and Daddy