Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cooper - The Saga Continues (Day Two)

We have had a lot of fun helping Cooper explore his new home. I happened across an unusual toy - but one that he has a lot of fun with... An empty Diet Mountain Dew Can:

He has also had a lot of fun with plastic bottles of different shapes and colors, but the funniest may have been his adventures with a 2-liter Diet Mountain Dew bottle:
In addition to playing with random things out of the recycle bin, he has been really enjoying cuddling with us (and on us):

Finally, he does other, completely random cute things... Like these:


Lilly, Reid, Matt, and Sara said...

First, you guys need to cut back on the diet mountain due..haha...Second, he looks like he is adjusting well to his new home!!

Mischelle Coston said...

Hysterical. What fun!